- primary config file is /etc/mail/sendmail.cf
- cryptic syntax, but straight text
- much like /etc/passwd, not directly modified
- /etc/mail/sendmail.mc : rules for creating sendmail.cf
- m4 is a macro processor/language
- /etc/mail/sendmail.mc is at least semi-readable
- instead of putting: Djlinux-classes.com directly in /etc/mail/sendmail.cf
we put: define(`confDOMAIN_NAME',`linux-classes.com')dnl into /etc/mail/sendmail.mc
- the rules followed by m4 for building the file are in: /usr/share/sendmail-cf
- Why use m4? portability to upgrades!
- Tips: comment out the DAEMON_OPTIONS line (why?) remove postfix (why?) install sendmail-cf (why?) set domain name (why?)
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