CommandPurpose CommandPurpose
pwdDisplay current directory chgrpChange group ownership of a file/dir
cdchange current directory useraddAdd a new user
lslist directory contents usermodmodify an existing user
catdisplay contents of "file" newgrpchange your current GID
moredisplay output one screen at a time lessan alternative to 'more'
mkdircreate directory manlookup online documentation
rmdirremove directory, if empty infoanother source of online documentation
touchupdate timestamp of file grepprint lines matching a pattern
cpcopy file atqueue commands for later execution
mvmove file gzipcompress or uncompress files
rmdelete file diffshow differences between two files
uptimeShow load average, and last boot time swaponshow or activate swap space
chmodchange permissions mountmount a file system
chownchange owner umountunmount a file system
wshow all users on system pingsee if remote host is reachable
dateshow system time and date passwdchange password
whoamishow your username vipwmanually edit password file
chfnchange your GECOS information uniqremove adjacent repeated lines
fingerdisplay a users GECOS information unameshow kernel revision
dfdisplay free disk space psdisplay process listing
dudisplay disk usage by directory fsckfilesystem checker