Command | Purpose | |
Command | Purpose |
pwd | Display current directory |
| chgrp | Change group ownership of a file/dir |
cd | change current directory |
| useradd | Add a new user |
ls | list directory contents |
| usermod | modify an existing user |
cat | display contents of "file" |
| newgrp | change your current GID |
more | display output one screen at a time |
| less | an alternative to 'more' |
mkdir | create directory |
| man | lookup online documentation |
rmdir | remove directory, if empty |
| info | another source of online documentation |
touch | update timestamp of file |
| grep | print lines matching a pattern |
cp | copy file |
| at | queue commands for later execution |
mv | move file |
| gzip | compress or uncompress files |
rm | delete file |
| diff | show differences between two files |
uptime | Show load average, and last boot time |
| swapon | show or activate swap space |
chmod | change permissions |
| mount | mount a file system |
chown | change owner |
| umount | unmount a file system |
w | show all users on system |
| ping | see if remote host is reachable |
date | show system time and date |
| passwd | change password |
whoami | show your username |
| vipw | manually edit password file |
chfn | change your GECOS information |
| uniq | remove adjacent repeated lines |
finger | display a users GECOS information |
| uname | show kernel revision |
df | display free disk space |
| ps | display process listing |
du | display disk usage by directory |
| fsck | filesystem checker |