- (10 pts) configure sendmail such that it can successfully receive mail from the instructor's workstation. Set up accounts for all students in the class, and for the instructor (username: jeremy). Make sure that your machine is listed as the MX relay for Get Instructor sign-off
- What entry in /etc/mail/ will force a domain name in the /etc/mail/ file?
- What command regenerates the file from
- What file is used as input for the command newaliases?
- When would entries in /etc/mail/local-host-names be required?
- What is a milter?
- What is /etc/mail/access used for?
- What is the primary configuration file of dovecot?
- (4 points) Configure dovecot so that it is listening for only pop3s and imaps traffic. Get instructor sign-off.
- (2 points) Generate custom certificates for your dovecot server. Get Instructor sign-off.
- (2 points) pick 4 directives from /etc/mail/ and give a description of them
Extra Credit
- (5 points) Configure SMTP AUTH so that users can only send mail if they have successfully authenticated over an encrypted (e.g. TLS or SSL) connection. Get Instructor sign-off.
- (5 points) Document how you configured SMTP AUTH.