
  1. (10 pts) configure sendmail such that it can successfully receive mail from the instructor's workstation. Set up accounts for all students in the class, and for the instructor (username: jeremy). Make sure that your machine is listed as the MX relay for Get Instructor sign-off
  2. What entry in /etc/mail/ will force a domain name in the /etc/mail/ file?
  3. What command regenerates the file from
  4. What file is used as input for the command newaliases?
  5. When would entries in /etc/mail/local-host-names be required?
  6. What is a milter?
  7. What is /etc/mail/access used for?
  8. What is the primary configuration file of dovecot?
  9. (4 points) Configure dovecot so that it is listening for only pop3s and imaps traffic. Get instructor sign-off.
  10. (2 points) Generate custom certificates for your dovecot server. Get Instructor sign-off.
  11. (2 points) pick 4 directives from /etc/mail/ and give a description of them
  12. Extra Credit

  13. (5 points) Configure SMTP AUTH so that users can only send mail if they have successfully authenticated over an encrypted (e.g. TLS or SSL) connection. Get Instructor sign-off.
  14. (5 points) Document how you configured SMTP AUTH.