
  1. (5 points) The instructor is sharing the /shared directory from his machine. Configure it to mount automatically on your system
  2. Show the command to mount the instructor's NFS shared directory to /mnt/instructor
  3. (2 points) Why are some files in the instructor's shared directory owned by YOUR useraccount?
  4. (2 points) What entry, in /etc/fstab would cause the above NFS share to be mounted automatically at system boot?
  5. (3 points) Create a directory named /public, and share it to the entire class network
  6. Show the entry you put into /etc/exports to complete the previous question:

  7. (3 points) List 3 options available for the nfs filesystem, and explain what they mean (I suggest looking at the man page for mount)

  8. (3 points) Use TCP wrappers to block sshd access to your machine from any machine on the network
  9. (5 points) Configure FTP to give anonymous access to /public as well