Class Period:
- copy the file /etc/passwd into your home directory. Show the command you used:
- Without changing your own permissions on your home directory, give all other users the ability to change into your home directory. Show the command you used:
- Create a directory called sandbox under your home directory. Show the command you used:
- Now set the permissions on sandbox to be 755. What are those permissions?
- Using vi, open up the file passwd which is in your home directory. Now, delete 4 lines. Show the commands you used to do this:
- do a long listing on the file /usr/bin/passwd. How big is that file?
- Use the file command to determine the type of /usr/bin/passwd. What is the command you used, and what was the result?
- Show a command which will list off all processes currently running on the system:
- Modify the previous command to display the results one page at at time:
- What are the names of three currently running processes owned by root?
- For what is the find command used?
- Delete the passwd file from your home directory. What command did you use?
- What command is used to change your password?
- what command would switch you to runlevel 3?
- Name 2 commands which will reboot the system:
- What command, given to the bootloader, will bring your system directly to single-user mode?
- What does the -f flag do to shutdown? (hint: it's not 'fast')
- How would you command the system to shutdown completely in 20 minutes, and to display a message saying "going down for new hardware install"?
- Name 3 services which are started at runlevel 5:
- What is the primary difference between runlevels 3 and 5?
- What link in the /etc/rc.d/rc5.d directory ensures that rc.local is run?
- What is the PID of init?
- What program starts init?
- Use chkconfig to prevent avahi-daemon from starting for runlevel 5. What is the syntax of the command you used?
- Now, without using chkconfig prevent bluetooth from starting at both runlevel 3 and runlevel 5. What commands did you have to run?